Environment & conservation

Orangutan in Borneo

The Orangutans are on what appears to be an island…
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Sustainable Travel and Ecotourism in Malaysia

Sustainable Travel and Ecotourism in Malaysia

Malaysia is a top tourist destination for many reasons, including…
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Special bins for organic waste

All households in the peninsula except in Penang, Selangor and…
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Forest clearing in Belum-Temengor

Forest clearing in Belum-Temengor

Fresh forest clearing in the Belum-Temengor Forest Complex (BTFC) wildlife…
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‘Adopted’ trees transplanted

‘Adopted’ trees transplanted

More than half of the 136 trees uprooted to make…
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Satellite tagging of proboscis monkey in Borneo

Satellite tagging of proboscis monkey in Borneo

The Sabah Wildlife Department and Danau Girang Field Centre have…
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