A Bidayuh Life in the Annah Rais Longhouse

Annah Rais is a Bidayuh Longhouse – which is one of the oldest Bidayuh longhouses – and is located about 60km or approximately 1.5 hours drive from Kuching passing through the beautiful limestone formation view, scenic countryside fringed by hills and farms, mountain ranges and palm oil estate. It’s a popular tourists destination and one of the nearest and easiest longhouses to access. Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse has been developed into a Homestay Programme, which includes varieties of activities providing visitors with a chance to stay overnight in a place where the traditional and communal ways of living have remained untouched by modern development. Most of the villagers here do farming, paddy planting, cocoa and pepper harvesting and fishing.


At Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse, you will find a well-preserved longhouse, which is the home to the people that belong to the second largest ethnic group in Sarawak, the Bidayuh tribe. The Bidayuh tribe is also known as Land Dayaks, who were once the headhunters. Besides discovering the unique local architecture of the longhouse, there are choices of activities that you could experience while on a trip to this famous village, and that is to enjoy a natural hot spa in the nearby hot spring, or relax at a nearby breathtaking 3-tier waterfall.


Aside from that, you could also hire local guides for a rainforest jungle trekking, or just visit the nearby pepper and paddy field plantation. If you’re more interested in their culture, be sure to catch the cultural show. Guest will be entertained with the Bidayuh traditional dance and musical instrument made by bamboo by the locals who will showcase their skills and talent. Guest could also participate in the dance while wearing their traditional outfit. Once the show is over, get the chance to learn the musical instrument and join the “jamming” session. Later on, rice wine will be served to all guests. However, do note that the Bidayuh dance is only available for 4paxs and above (advance booking is recommended).


With the warm hospitality of the friendly villagers and also the clean and pristine environment here, Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse is a haven for adventurous and non-adventurous alike. The trip experience will be vividly remembered.


How to get to Annah Rais Longhouse

As there is no public transportation to Annah Rais Longhouse, the only option is to get a taxi. Taxi can be hired for RM90 – RM120 per way (be sure to reach an agreement on the price before hopping on one). You may also pre-arrange a taxi service by calling the centre (check with the local Yellow Pages) or you may ask your hotel desk to book one for you. Alternatively, should you need the longhouse’s management help to make the arrangement, you may contact them by phone or email.



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