Jetty Point
Jetty Point is the name for the harbor where all the boats from and to Langkawi arrive and depart. From Jetty Point you can take a boat to Penang, to the mainland or to Thailand. Langkawi Ferry Services operates fast air-conditioned boats from Jetty Point to Kuala Perlis (75 minutes), Kuala Kedah (105 minutes), Penang (165 minutes), and Satun in Thailand (75 minutes). Nearby Jetty Point is the popular Eagle Square and next to it the beautifully designed Lagenda Park. Within walking distance you can have a meal at the popular local food court that specializes in sea food.
Our pages on Langkawi
- Attractions
- Beaches at Langkawi
- General information
- Getting around Langkawi
- Getting to Langkawi
- Kuah
- Resorts and hotels
- Shopping malls
Tour offices and rental companies at Jetty Point
Jetty Point used to be a small and old fashioned harbor, but after a huge revamp it now is a modern facility where you can shop, eat, buy boat tickets and buy tours. There even is a bowling alley.

There also is a Starbucks Coffee. Starbucks offers free WIFI which is nice if you brought along your own laptop (or smart phone). If you are taking a boat from Langkawi don't go through customs too soon as there is nothing more but a huge waiting area with hundreds of chairs to sit on. Starbucks is a nice place to hang out.

For youngsters there is an amusement center in the far corner of Jetty Point mall. Great to kill time before the boat leaves.

In front of the Jetty Point entrance you can buy boat tickets and tours at one of the many small tour offices. Most of the shops also rent out cars and motorcycles. You can rent a local car for around RM120 per day (24hr); sometimes rental companies even offer standard cars for as low as RM80 per day (due to the competition). A 125cc motorcycle costs around RM40 per day (some rent it out even cheaper). Do carry an international motorcycle license as the rental companies are not allowed to rent out a motorcycle based on a driver's license from your own home country. It seems that police are checking often (especially in the Kuah area) whether foreign motorcycle drivers carry a valid motorcycle license. With many tours it is not always needed to book at the tour offices, some can be done easily by yourself (if you hire a car or motorbike that is).

There is also a taxi counter; where you can buy a taxi ticket for a fixed price.