Langkawi Eagle and Lagenda Park

Nearby Jetty Point – Langkawi Harbour – you can visit the Langkawi Eagle Square. On this square an enormous hand-made eagle rises in the sky. This eagle symbolizes the island of Langkawi. The name of the island originates from a combination of the words Helang (which means eagle in Malay) and Kawi (red/brown, the color of the statue). On one of the many benches around statue you can enjoy one of the best sunsets on the island.

Langkawi Eagle Square

Next to the Eagle Square lies the 50 hectares large Lagenda Langkawi Park. Lagenda Langkawi is a splendid park with many types of trees, plants and flowers. The park contains four ponds and a considerable number of information columns with information about the island and its history. According to a number of Internet sites the entrance fee is 5RM, but when we were there, we did not have to pay a fee to enter the park. If you visit the park during dry season then the park might look that healthy compared to visiting the park during the wet season.

Langkawi Lagenda Park

I would personally suggest combining a visit to the eagle and the park with a visit to Kuah. If you like to shop a bit, you can even fill one entire day. Right next to park you can find Langkawi Jetty Point, with a couple of shops (including Starbucks). At the end of the day you can enjoy a great meal at the seafood hawkers in front of the park.

1 comments on Langkawi Eagle and Lagenda Park

  1. Yee Ling
    13 years ago
    September 24, 2011 at 5:16 am

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